Division of procurement of works related to the Governmental Implementing Agency, the Procurement Agency is operating with 11 personnel.


To reduce the condition that helps corruption to be raised following the principles of being economic, efficient, transparent and responsible for in all stages of the budget investment expenditures and provide the international standards on construction work, equipment assembling and installing of the construction and its testing and adjusting work as well as the operations to supply materials which needed to execute the work and support acceleration of the economic development in the way to promote domestic manufacturer and executor.  

Main functions

Division of procurement of works implements the functions to select the work executor along to the regulation to purchase goods, work and services with the assets of the state or local property.

Division board personnel work in a group and be educated in work place as well as to cooperate with the other staff and board personnel of the entities with the same structural system to develop the working skill and education and give suggestions or support the organizational directors and sub directors.

Functions of operations:

  • Division works on the project of procurement policy and program, makes a proposal to advance procurement system and legal condition and to be responsible for its implementations;
  • To plan, organize, execute and report the procurement for the public transparently, impartially competitively, responsible and efficiently;
  • To provide local entity operations of procurement with professional and methodological managements and monitor the operations;
  • To process proposals and prescriptions of the investment, economic expenditure of the budget holdings and to increase its outcomes;

Contact number: 70125060