In the range of operation program of Mongolian Government in between 2012-2016 the operations to purchase goods, work and services with the assets of budget holdings will be transferred to 100 % online version.
Main function
To maintain new trend and skill of the management such as e-purchase or e-shop in the procurement in the range of the third objective in the operation strategy of the Procurement Agency, to develop and automate combined system of the procurement and to form data base.
According to the indication in the Act 53.7 of the law to purchase goods, work and services with the assets of the state or local property the division organizes the procurement in electronic version, to agree the general contract indicated in the law 5.1.23 and open e-shop in the range of operations of implementations.
Stages to penetrate the operation of e-purchase
In the political program of 2012-2016 of the governmental operations of Mongolia the mission is reflected to transfer the procurement 100 % online “to purchase goods, work and services by the budget holdings along to the purpose to eliminate tender disorder, corruption and bribes”.
e-tender, e-shop, e-contract, e-payment
What is the e-procurement? The opportunity to attend in tender online from anywhere, whenever, in limitless time and place.
To be introduced to the tender documents free
Your tender guide in the internet
How to be registered in e-system?
To make a request to ask for a private secretion code on official paper.
To receive your private secretion code
To be registered your information of the company in the system.
To participate in e-tender.
Steps to be registered in the system